Carissa... you look like a whole new person.
This was the comment I received from a long time friend after speaking at morning meeting today at the US Center for World Mission. I only had a 30 second notice before I gave my 25 minute presentation on the growth of Global Xpress since January and what we were accomplishing while there in Pasadena for our 2-day vision retreat.
She was right. I feel like a whole new person! SO much is happening, so many things that are good and wonderful and praiseworthy, that I just can't keep up with telling you all. But I want to highlight just a few so you can partake in the fruit with me!
-We just finished two days solidifying out vision, our mission, and the spiritual fruit we desire to produce through this ministry. We also came up with some fresh new looks and ideas to jump start our fourth year. We had 8 people participate in this event, and although many strangers to one another, came together as one well-oiled team.
-Out of the Box printing has stepped on board and is rallying behind us, reducing our expenses and helping expand our quality. We praise God that in the two weeks they have been working with us there business has been incredibly blessed!(www.r81print.com)
- A beautiful and wonderful lady name Petty Thomas (co-owner of Out of the Box) has also rallied behind me and GX to fund raise to meet the last of my support goals and further provide for the ministry!! This is a HUGE praise report and a giant burden lifted from my shoulders! This week she was able to raise $300 in one time gifts. She has just began a 30-day trial run to see what kind of response she can get.
- Our volunteers are growing more and more committed. We are seeing them take ownership of Global Xpress and give full commitment to the tasks at hand. This is an incredible thing for me to witness as I watch this ministry grow.
I could keep going and going. I'd love to take you out to coffee and fill in all the rest (just let me know you want to!)...but these big praise reports should be enough to make you want to dance around in your underwear just as David danced...uninhibited, unashamed and utterly in love with God!(2 Samuel 6:14-15)
God is GOOD...like crazy, it's hard to believe, you almost need courage to accept it, good.
Thank YOU for all you do to support me and the minisrty. You help make all this possible.