My Mission:

Engaging, Equipping, and connecting children and their families to their most strategic role in completing the Great Commission.

Monday, November 22, 2010

What's Your Next Move?

God moves me like a chess piece. One small move at a time, He is laying out His plan. I am anxious to call out "check mate!" but He is such a grand and patient chess player. He is making carefully thought out and calculated moves so as to not just win the match, but to win beautifully.

God has made a major move, a move that has changed my original game plan.

What was the original plan?
I joined the Frontier Mission Fellowship in July 2009. I was to first raise $2800 in monthly committed support. Then I was to pack up my bags and move to Pasadena where I would work full time at the US Center for World Mission (USCWM) as a missions mobilizer. My job was to continue running the Global Xpress, a missions magazine for kids.

What is the new plan?
I will not be moving to Pasadena. Instead, I will be staying right here my hometown. I will still be on staff with the USCWM, working from Redlands. My primary job will continue to be to run the Global Xpress. As Creative Director, I wear a lot of hats. I see to the production of each month’s magazine, manage our staff and volunteers, keep up on all the administration, and do everything else that falls in between. In addition, with this change, God has opened up several new doors. Starting after the new year, I will be working with a colleague to establish the USCWM’s first Global Desk for Children. This will be a place where people can come to find help and resources for anything relating to kids and missions worldwide. God has also opened the doors for me to do three separate teaching sessions and workshops in the spring at various churches and conferences.

When did you notice that God was changing your plans?
It was June 6th. I was speaking at a local church in Redlands. A volunteer came with me to help. On the way there, she shared with me that she felt God was leading her into a full-time position with Global Xpress. After some discussion, she moved from volunteer to full-time volunteer staff. We started working 25-30 hours a week together in her small apartment in Redlands.

What happened next?
A few weeks later, I sensed the Holy Spirit prompting me to attend Sunday evening service at Packinghouse church. The sermon was on the last chapter of Corinthians and Paul’s flexibility. He had a direction, but he was willing to change it as God lead and opened doors elsewhere.

Did you know then what was happening?
No, not at all. The rest of the summer played out in a series of small events. First God impressed upon my heart to leave my church, the Red Barn. I wrestled with that a lot. I thought I’d just leave and move on to Pasadena, but I lacked peace about it. I could only sense God telling me to be ready. He wouldn’t give me any specifics. In late July, I finally announced that I was moving on to a new church. Two days later, I meet an amazing woman who owned both a printing company and a professional fundraising company. We had a series of meetings and the floodgates flew open. Her husband offered to print the Global Xpress at 1/3 of the cost we were paying before. She offered to help us raise money for the ministry.
     One morning I woke up and just knew that everything had changed. I wasn’t going to be moving to Pasadena. There was no pre-thought about it. There was no stopping to pray about it and think through the decision. God had already made it. I could hear Him loud and clear saying “Forget the former things. I am doing a new thing. See, even now it springing up before you.” (Is.43:18-19)

So how was the final decision made?
After several weeks, I surrendered to the changes God was making in my life. I turned in a proposal explaining my request to be relocated from Pasadena to Redlands for the benefit and growth of the ministry. The USCWM personnel department responded within 24 hours and said they fully agreed. Where I am is the healthiest place for Global Xpress. I need to be in Redlands with my small staff and group of volunteers.

Why are you raising support?
Without prayer, missionaries are not effective; without funding, they cannot devote their full-time energy to the cause of Christ. Raising support allows me to do ministry full-time and focus all of my attention on the Kingdom. I was able to have a job and do Global Xpress on the side for several years, but the ministry has grown beyond that. It requires my full attention. The money I raise is the money I live on and work with.

Are you fully supported?
No, not yet. It’s been a long road, but I am still trusting God for provision. If everyone who has committed to give continues to do so, I have $1700 a month coming in. I still need $1100 more in monthly support…that’s people giving any desired amount every month. I have supporters who give anywhere from $10 to $300 a month. Every amount matters.

How does someone become a supporter?
It begins by just sending the first check to Ministry Accounts at the US Center for World Mission (1605 E. Elizabeth St. Pasadena 91104). Once Ministry Accounts receives your check, a receipt, along with a new envelope, will be mailed to you for continued giving. There is also an option for automatic giving. Checks are made payable to USCWM with MA164 in the memo line (not my personal name). The ministry account number signifies that the check is for me.

How can people be praying?
-Pray first and foremost that God is glorified in all I do, both personally and in ministry.
-Pray for the kids who are getting our materials every month, that they would fall in love with the Savior of the World and desire to make Him known.
-Pray specifically for God to provide the remaining $1100 a month I need to be fully supported.
-Pray for wisdom and guidance as I move forward in this new season of transition.

A life of faith is a life full of surprises. New doors and opportunities come with every move. I am excited for what fruit lies ahead as we move forward in obedience. I love watching God work.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Extra, Extra!

Man do I have big news! Lots of changes, lots of new opportunities, lots of reasons to keep praising the Lord for His faithfulness!

Come here some exciting updates and changes:

When: Sunday November 7, 2010
Where: 7842 Rose Ct Highland 92346
Time: 1:30-3:00
  *Kids welcome. Presentation begins at 2.

See you there!