My Mission:

Engaging, Equipping, and connecting children and their families to their most strategic role in completing the Great Commission.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

100 Days of Prayer

One of my new years resolutions was to build better habits, one of which was intentional, committed prayer for major things going on in my life. I didn't start to well, so I created this handy tool to help guide my course. So 11 days ago I began 100 days of prayer, asking God to get me back to 100% fully funded in 100 days.

And it got me thinking....You could use this with kids to help them pray for the world!
Here's what I did.
Step 1: Make a jar to place your prayer notes in. I used a cashew jar and just designed a label and glued it on.

Step 2: Create 100 prayer slips. I fit 6 on a page. I labled them Day 1 through 100. Then I just gave a kick off sentence, "Today I pray..."

Step 3: Each day, write out your prayer. I date my slips and fill them with my thoughts, prayers, lists, and verses God is speaking to me. You could use this to help your kids pray for the nations. You would write "Today I pray for China..." and then jot down some prayer points or journal them out (depending on age). Then place them in the jar!

I keep my jar and prayer cards where I can easily access them each day. I'm looking forward to looking back through them 100 days from now and seeing how God responded and worked!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Promotion of Honor

This week marked 5 years in full time missions, and Friday I was offered the position as Director of Children's Mobilization. I am SO honored and humbled, amazed at what God has done and is doing in my life. 

Join me in praying that God would give me the wisdom and strength to serve this role well and carry this ministry into the future!

Monday, May 07, 2012

A New Purpose.

When I  started this blog 3 years ago, I intended to use to keep my faithful supporters updated on my ministry. I have not done such a good job of that... a part from the occasional newsletter upload. However, I discovered pinterest just a few weeks ago. I've spent many weekend hours looking up new crafts and techniques to become better organized. Through that process, I have discovered so many blogs...all by women, most moms, sharing their life with others.

I started to many of these blogs, although great, share ideas on how to not just organize our kids, but to equip and engage them in the Kingdom. So I started a new board on pinterest and started pinning what I could find. There wasn't much. So it's time to put this cyber vacant spot to use. Each week, I'm going to aim to share some project/idea/video/resource that will help both you parents and teachers have the tools you need to "train up their kids in the way they should go," as well as keep you updated on the growing ministry

Thank you for your faithful support!

Until the whole world hears,