I want you to meet two very special people.
This is Tariku and Fré. I met them at our CMM staff retreat in August. They are from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Their passion is to mobilize the Ethiopian church.
Tariku shared that God is opening the eyes of Ethiopian churches to the role they can play in the Great Commission. As these believers start to see themselves as a mission sending force rather than as a mission field, God is calling them to begin church planting among unreached peoples living within their own borders.
Tariku and Fré believe that if they are going to mobilize the whole church, they will have to mobilize children and their families. They see great potential in launching Weave in Ethiopia!
Next Stop: Asia Pacific
Up until now, we have focused solely on equipping North American families. God is expanding our ministry to include international training as we seek to launch Center for Mission Mobilization Hubs in other countries. Weave will play a big role in that. Our heartbeat is that all families, around the world, would be empowered to live out their unique role in God’s story. We've already been invited to South Africa and Thailand for 2014, and there may be additional trips that we don’t know about yet. This is a God-sized vision to see the task of the Great Commission completed and we see God leading the way.
In May, our team went to Bogota, Colombia and took our first steps toward international training.
I’m inviting you to partner with me again. Incredible opportunities lie ahead in Asia Pacific, and I want you to be a part of it. To partner with me, you can give online at mobilization.org/give.
Thank you for your part in sending me to the front lines of mission mobilization.