Today was a strange day, like a day in Oz that seemed so real yet so dream-like all at the same time. I awoke early for a meeting with No Crumbs ministry in Brea. Before I could even get out the door, my phone was beeping at me, reminding me I had 3 new emails regarding Global Xpress. Once I picked up a collegue and headed out to Brea, I spent 3 hours enjoying the fellowship of one extremely liked minded sister in Christ who also values the signifcance of children in the Kingdom. If that wasn't enough, she informed me that she wants to let everyone she knows know about the Global Xpress.
After the meeting ended, my phone was flashing with more messages and reminders. Three more emails and two voice mails had come through...all regarding Global Xpress. Just now, another email came through with contact information for several families who are interested in Global Xpress.
I am rather stunned, and yet can't stop smiling. It wasn't lomg ago when we would go months before receiving a single sign-up or inquiry. I used to only check the Global Xpress email account once a week. Now I have to check it hourly!
God is on the move. I only hope I can keep up. He is opening doors that I have been knocking on for two years. I am so excited to see what more is ahead. Just this weekend,
...I reached 40% support, as well as receiving 2 unexpected one time gifts.
...had 3 new kids sign-up for the magazine,
...had 5 churches sign-up for a 30 day trial through our presences at the CMTA conference in Pasadena,
...and began a partnership with No Crumbs Ministry.
This is only a small taste of what is happening everyday. Thank you for making it possible!
P.S. Don't forget! Global Xpress 30th Celebration party is this weekend, 2-6pm!
1 comment:
Hey Carissa! This is so great to hear. We pray for you every morning in Personnel and it's great to see how God is answering prayer and doing awesome things! We'll keep praying and look forward to the day when you can join us full time!
- Heather Holt
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