A few weeks ago, I told you about an amazing, crazy opportunity that had been placed before me and the Global Xpress. At the time, I didn't know what would happen with it, but I was willing to watch God do something I never imagined.
God very clearly asked me to step out in faith and obedience and pursue sending the very first Global Xpress team to India. It was completely illogical from a human perspective, but I knew I had to obey. So I did.
In the end, it didn't pan out exactly the way we were thinking. We're not able to send the team and some other issues surfaced. However, God sometimes has an unexpected and unseen purpose. Through obedience, I met a girl who was planning on going. She began talking to me through email, asking my opinion on her being the only girl on her team going to India and what things she should expect. I was vulnerable and honest about my own experiences and temptations, and tried to advise her on what to prepare for.
Those initial emails lead to a whole series of conversations about opportunities, motives, and listening to God's voice. I was able to speak to her from my own struggles, and failures, and life-lessons. In the end, she replied:
I really do not know what I would do without your advice. I thank you so much for all of your prayers and your wisdom. It has been good during all of this stress. If you don't mind, I'd like it if you played somewhat of a mentor role in my life. I think it would be cool if you were a mentor for me as far as mission stuff goes. I don't have one and I have been in need of one.Yet, I understand that it's another responsibility, and if you are too busy then that is okay, I really understand. I'll leave that up to you. Thanks sooo much again. - A
I don't know how to express how much this request meant to me, that God would use all that He has patiently taught me in the last three years to impact someone else. And that she would want me, of all people, to mentor her in life and missions!
Thank you Lord, for using the weak and foolish things of this world. May others be able to imitate me because only because I imitate Christ!
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