My Mission:

Engaging, Equipping, and connecting children and their families to their most strategic role in completing the Great Commission.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Join me in a day of prayer

Last week I watched the movie "A Faith like Potatoes," the story of an Irish farmer living in South Africa. He believed that when God promised in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that if his people, who are called by his name, humbled themselves and prayed and sough his face, that he would hear from heaven and heal their land, that God really meant it. And so, in the middle of a drought, he called all people, both black and white, to gather together and pray. 

I have seen the results of when God's people join together in a concert of prayer. His promises are true.
And so I am calling you to join me in a day of prayer and fasting.
I am in my 9th week of support raising with only $365 in monthly support left before I can move to ministry location. 
Although I am so close, this last $365 is not coming easily. 

Please join me in a day of prayer and fasting for this last bit of support. 
This support, that represents so much more than me and my move, but represents a ministry that will
    .....bring children into a full love relationship with Jesus
      .....that will train and equip parents to be the spiritual role models to their children,
         ....that will challenge churches to build children's programs that engage their faith and motivate kids for the Kingdom
            ...a ministry that will even bring healing and hope to nations as kids pray, give, and maybe even one day go with the Good News of the Savior of the  

When: Tuesday August 23, 2011
Time: All day
What: pray, fast...whatever you feel lead to do.

Let's ask the God of the harvest to bring in all the money needed by August 31, 2011.
Let's seek his face and asking him to bring healing
to kids,
to families,
to churches,
to nations.


Brook B. said...

Just thinking of you and wondering what God is doing. I see you will be moving to Fayetteville, yeahhhhhhhh. I will keep praying for all of God's plans to bear fruit.

Carissa said...

Yes I am! Should be there this fall! Lots of new things on the drawing board right now...very exciting!