Today could have possibly been one of the most pivotal moments of my life. Five days ago, God prompted my heart. I fasted, prayed, sought Godly counsel, laughed, cried, jumped for joy, and hid in fear. I never could relate to Noah having been told to build a boat without ever even seeing a drop of rain, but now I do. I'm running full speed ahead towards a brick wall and praying like crazy that a hole appears!!
Today I quit my job....yeah, my only paying, make-me-feel-secure job. That was NOT the plan, not til I reached 50% support anyways. But with only 30%, and another $1997 monthly commitments more to go, I did it anyways!
I'm free falling...and I've never felt so alive. It's sheer abandonment to the cause of Christ. I can't even begin to explain every emotion and the overwhelming love I feel for Jesus and the children of this world.
I am playing a part in making my Savior famous among the nations...there are few sweeter words!
If you haven't already, I invite you to join the journey. I realize this is one of the most wrong ways to do so and the books would slap my hand for it, but God is doing some AMAZING things with and for children. Global Xpress is a small part of that, but an important part. And it expands so far beyond Global Xpress too. You don't want to miss it! It's a investment with far greater value than I even can wrap my mind around! Let's get together and talk about it...
When we are motivated by goals that have deeper meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life. -A calender I looked at in Kinko's today!
I am SO BLESSED and SO ENCOURAGED to be a part of your life and your journey. Even though you don't believe it, your life has been an example to mine as much as the reverse. I can't wait for you to go to Pasadena and be in the middle of God's work at FMF!
keep being busy about the Father's business, girl.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. joshua 1:9
First, can that be me in the picture with you? LOL. Second, God is doing AMAZING things through you sister! When I think of you I think 'true believer'. Your very presence is an inspiration to many. Thank you for loving the Lord and for continuing to empty yourself for the sake of Jesus. You truly are shining for Him. You are the meaning of the word 'doer'. There is no doubt that you are doing ALL things for the glory of His name.May the Lord continue to richly bless you and keep you in His tender mercy and loving care.
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