Thursday, March 11, 2010, my dear friend Bob Albright went home to be with the Lord.
I was at home sick on Thursday morning. I had woke up around 7 o' clock anyways. As I laid on the couch watching t.v., I couldn't help but wonder why on earth God would allow me to get sick and miss work when I only had 3 weeks left! About an hour later, I got the answer to my question. I received a text message announcing that Bob had a blood infection and that the doctors said he only had an hour left to live.
My first instinct was to fall on my face and pray. After pleading for intervention, I threw on the first pair of clothes I could find and headed for the hospital. When I arrived and walked into the room, his heart stopped.
On my way to the hospital, one song kept playing through my mind, and now it echoed even louder...
I stood there thinking as I said goodbye,
today is the first day of the rest of my life
I'm gonna stop lookin' back and start movin' on
And learn how to face my fears
Love with all of my heart, make my mark
I wanna leave something here
Go out on a ledge, with out any net
That's what I'm gonna be about
Yeah I wanna be runnin'
When the sand runs out
My friend Bob was running when the sand ran out. He was running hard, too. He may not have been a Billy Graham, but he was a faithful servant. He always had a smile on his face. He always welcomed you in and encouraged you. He loved every child who walked through the doors of our church. And he made us all laugh!
Any second thoughts I had about quitting my job went out the door Thursday. Life is far too short. I want to live each day for His kingdom, pouring out every ounce of my life for His glory and renown.
As the song goes on to say,
And when they carve my stone they'll write these words, "Here lies a [girl] who lived life for all that it's worth."
I want to be like Bob. I want to be running when the sand runs out..
I'm also gonna stop lookin' back and start movin' on
And learn how to face my fears
Love with all of my heart, make my mark
I wanna leave something here
Go out on a ledge, with out any net
That's what I'm gonna be about
Yeah I wanna be runnin'
When the sand runs out
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