For a long time God was painting with blues, and now he's painting with reds. I'm not sure what it all means and what the purple it is creating will be.
The crazy adventure continues. So much happens every day, both big and small, that I find it impossible to communicate it all to you!
I wish I could though. I wish I could capture it all in movie form and play it before you. There are so many treasures to enjoy.
I continue to walk one foot in front of the other, following that path of open doors that keep unfolding before me. I have reached 47% support, and have one church currently considering supporting me. Apart from that, I have reached an end for contacts and ideas. I'm not sure where the support will come from, but I trust WHO it will come from.
Ministry, however, is at no dead end. I will be appearing as Conductor Courage at the Packinghouse VBS July19-23, doing a 5 minute mission spotlight on Egypt each day and teaching the Bible lesson Friday. The last two weeks I will be coordinating a two-week around the world adventure program for Novaland Youth Development Center. We will be taking the kids around the world, experience culture and traditions and learning about the unreached people of the world. Global Xpress continues to grow with 5 new sign-ups this past month. One of our volunteers stepped up to a full-time volunteer staff member, committing to Global Xpress on a whole new level. We also picked up another long-term volunteer this week in the area of administration and have one college student praying about interning with us full time this summer.
I am so curious to see what He's up to, to see the story continue to unfold. I never know what the next page will be, where the story will go. I am eager to know. Aren't you? :)
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