Hello all!
Right now I'm sitting in a small apartment in Mokpo. I'm miles away from home in the beautiful country of South Korea. It feels so strange to be overseas for vacation rather than missions, but even in vacation I find myself still on mission.
I find myself still praying for the shop keeper we passed on the street, for the little boy I saw kneeling before a Buddha statue, for the gigantic Christian churches that hold their banner high across the city.
And still God is teaching me, whispering to my heart and helping me to heal and grow and change. It is still my story of grace.
I heard a quote yesterday at church that rocked my boat...
"The best thing we can do for God is let Him love us."
Let Him me. Hm. How often I DON'T do that! How often I work and plan and work some more in order to feel worthy of his love and affection. But all the working in the world does not had one ounce of extra love. I already have it in it's fullness.
And then I think, what would the next six months look like if I determined to just let God love me. Period. Forget the support raising and the ministry and all the things that I work and work and work for. What if I just let Him love me? If He provides, perfect. If He doesn't, perfect still. Either way, He is doing what He, in his infinite wisdom, knows is best. Why? Because I just let Him love me.
love the picture! Happy 4th in SK!
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