I was standing outside watching the kids play. I caught Mia, a little girl I have nannied for several years, walking by out of the corner of my eye. Unexpectedly, to both her and myself, I swooped her up in my arms. After hugging her tightly, I whispered in her ear, “Do you want to know a secret?”
“What?” she prodded back, struggling to escape my grasp.
“I love you to pieces!” I replied.
“Well, duh!” She corrected me, “That’s no secret Miss Carissa!”
I laughed as I put her back down. I was caught in a lie and I was okay with that. There was something victorious in learning that this little girl whom I had cared for and discipled for so many years knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that I loved her.
As Global Xpress continues to blossom and grow, I find myself continually pushed outside my comfort zone. Every week I get another call or another email asking me to attend some important strategic meeting or present at a school or conference. Magazine deadlines get harder and harder as my creativity is stretched to its limits. I can easily find myself in a state of fear or discouragement. But then I remember kids like Mia, and I am propelled forward by an unavoidable passion to love and serve them.
My life is the story of one girl who loved one Savior so much that she had to tell one child…and then another, and another, and another. And soon she was telling children in India, and Mexico, and Africa. And now, through Global Xpress, my team and I are telling children all across the United States in hopes that they might fall in love with the Savior, too.
As I sit at my computer, unseen by the world, daily plugging away to create the best tools possible for families and churches, I pray that each child who receives the Global Xpress is able to say that their lives reflect that same story. In all we do, I hope they see Jesus, the Savior of the World, who loves them even more than I do and whose love for them also extends to a great, big hurting world.
I am looking forward to watching the same love that consumes my life begin to consume the lives of children, too. I’ll be there, cheering each one of them on, as they go forth and share God’s love with others in their schools, their neighborhoods, and to the ends of the earth. I hope you will, too.
May your life be directed and driven by the same inescapable love of the Savior of the World.
Your ministry is exciting and wonderful! Blessings and grace from our God:) I am now following your blog. I have a 5 month old son who has down syndrome and he is a wonderful baby. Both my 3-yr old daughter and my baby boy inspire me to be a loving mom. Thank you for sharing your blog.
That's awesome! I'm so glad! God's amazing love and blessings over you and your beautiful kids!
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