We spent a vast majority of our time praying for Global Xpress...praying for growth, praying for other at the US Center and aboard to catch the vision, praying that the wall that we seem to keep running into with fiances would come crumbling down.
While we were praying, one of the ladies had a vision of me dressed in costume, playing a consistent character, who worked with teaching kids. And people knew about it and were requesting it. She knew nothing about the work I was already doing as Conductor Courage. :) What confirmation that the Lord is still on the move!
Our time reminded me of just how crucial prayer is, especially in light of this generation, paradigm shifting ministry. Please keep praying for us day after day! Here's some specifics you can pray for:
- that we would bear fruit that will last in the life of each child who uses our materials,
- that kids would understand God's glory and his heart for the nations and desire to live for him,
- for unbounded creativity as we work each month to put together new materials that are age appropriate and effective in teaching and engaging children,
- for financial provision, both for myself as I serve full time and for ministry growth and expenses, including a much needed office in the Inland Empire area,
- for opportunities to mobilize other adults and teachers and we speak and do workshops at upcoming events: Northpoint Corona (March 20), Idea Exchange (March 26), CMTA (April 29-30).
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